Healthy-ish Snack Ideas for New Moms

So picture it, you’re a new parent, feeding baby before their nap, when one thing leads to another and you realize you’re snuck under a sleeping baby and hungry as heck! Or, you’ve prepped all sorts of nutritious snacks for your baby and little kids while out and about, but completely forgotten about our own snacks and starting to get hangry. Or you made it to your Fit Together postnatal fitness class on time with all your exercise equipment, but you’re running of of steam in your workout. You’re left feeling tired and out of sorts and you may even end up grabbing snacks on the go that are less nourishing that your ideal.

 It’s normal to be focused on keeping your baby fed and happy, but it’s also essential to also keep yourself fed and happy. 

The key is some preparation and planning.

When organizing your parent snacks, aim for 2-3 food groups, with a focus on whole foods and ideally including a source of protein. It’s sometimes hard to think of these on the fly, so we consulted our Fit Together fam to help us put together some suggestions to keep you energized and at your best.

Thank you to our Fit Together participants and instructors for submitting all their favourites! 

Pre made snacks to freeze


Quick snacks with little prep

  • Almonds +apples
  • Celery or carrots or cucumbers + hummus
  • Rice cakes + peanut butter
  • Whole grain toast, cottage cheese, strawberries + maple syrup
  • Cashews, fruit + couple squares of dark chocolate
  • High protein yogurt + frozen mango
  • Whole grain wrap with hummus + apples
  • Sobeys falafel + avocado+ cottage cheese
  • Greek yogurt + fruit
  • Hard boiled eggs + tomatoes
  • Mini charcuterie- Triscuit crackers, fruit, cheese
  • Cottage cheese + cherry tomatoes + pumpkin seed bowl


Snacks with some prep

Purchased snacks

  • Heavenly Hunks oat squares from Costco + fruit
  • Aussie bites from Costco
  • Trail mix


We hope this helps you feel more energetic and cheerful in your postpartum days and beyond. If you have more suggestions to share, please get in touch and we'll add them!


Aileen & Fit Together

PS want to join the Fit Together crew? We run prenatal and postnatal programs all year round, including outdoor programs, aquafit, yoga, fitness and more. Check out our upcoming schedule here.

photo credit: Loving it Vegan