On Thanksgiving weekend we went for a family hike to Birds Hill Park. I’m not usually the hiking type but the forecast was looking unusually warm, there were still some leaves in the trees and without the big Sunday dinner family gathering – there was no food prep to be done!
My first suggestion for our outing was Brokenhead Wetland Interpretive Trail but my husband was not convinced our mildly grumpy crew was up for a long drive. He suggested the Cedar Bog Trail. Online maps told us the trail was about 3.5 km and to allow about one and a half hours to complete. With a (grumpy) six year old, a four and a two year old – we figured it would likely take us two hours.
And so began part one of our adventure – leaving the house. Cue the snack-making, shoe finding, lunch eating, potty going frenzy. Eventually the apples were sliced, jackets were scooped up and we were out the door – with only one of the three refusing to put on shoes (small victories, right?). That’s okay, we said to each other, we still have a 45 minute drive to convince her that this actually will be a fun time. So with carrier, wagon, water, snacks and kids in tow, we headed out.
After what seemed like an eternity since we were attempting to get out the door, we arrived at the trail parking lot. Charlie wanted “a piggyback” so up into the carrier he went. The girls were still not into this whole thing so we allowed them to start in the wagon.
The first part of the trail goes downhill as you pass through grasslands and an Aspen forest. After about 10 minutes in the wagon on rough terrain, we decided it was time for the girls to use their legs. It was perfect timing as they immediately started running ahead, pretending they were in a magical forest and needed to run away from the monsters (us).
After about a half hour we found ourselves in the beautiful cedar bog. The change of landscape comes suddenly, almost out of nowhere, and is eerily breathtaking. The air is cooler and you really do start to feel you may be in a magical forest. After a few quick photo-ops we were back on our way.
They say “what goes up must come down” but on this trail, what comes down must go up. Heading back into the Aspen forest is a gentle uphill climb but as we were coming toward the final trek, the little legs in our group were starting to get tired. Rotating between wagon and carrier, all three were in need of a break. The trail was decent enough to bring a wagon; however, not loaded up with 50+ pounds. A family walk through the forest became a bit of a fitness hike for mom and dad!
When all was said and done, everyone was in a better mood and we were glad that we’d come. Our actual time on the trail was an hour and 15 minutes and my watch tracked us at 3.25 km. It was probably a bit too long for most toddlers and young kids to walk the entire way, so we were thankful we had means to “carry” them – even if it meant us getting more of a workout in than we planned on!
This is definitely a trail I’d recommend to anyone with kids ages 5 and up and it’s doable with younger kids if you bring a rugged wagon/ sled/ stroller or baby carrier.
Happy Trails,
Ashley, Fit Together instructor
Tips for Cedar Bog Trail/ Birds Hill Park
- Choose a dry day to go as this route can get flooded/ muddy in spring especially
- Except on free weekends/ months, a park pass is required and the gate is not staffed off season. Purchase these in advance ONLINE
- Modern washrooms are not available off season. The 59er gas station is located outside the park gates on Hwy 59
- Bring a rugged wagon, sled or jogging stroller for under 5s
- Bring a baby carrier for under 2s
- Snacks, always bring snacks
- Cedar Bog self-guided tours: Spring/summer/ fall. Winter