Summer Bucket list with baby


Ah, summer, the easy breezy, warm and sunny time of year that most Manitobans look forward to all year long.  It’s short, sweet and wonderful!

Here are our suggestions to make the most of summer in Manitoba with your littles.


Take a summer photo of baby 😊:

  • Baby’s first swing
  • Baby in a field of dandelions, or other bright flowers
  • Baby in a pool or at the beach
  • Baby in sunglasses (IYKYK this is Aileen’s favourite thing!)

Do outdoorsy stuff:

  • Go for a summer hike Summer is a great time to get outdoors, but it’s best to plan your walks for early or late in the day to avoid high UV times. Check out our article for Summer Babywearing Tips
  • Join Fit Together Outdoor Stroller Fitness. Make a weekly commitment to get some exercise and fresh air with our popular Stroller Fitness class at The Forks or Assiniboine Park   Stroller Fitness is a mobile class for parents with babies with cardio, strength, core and stretching segments, plus fun baby rhymes at the end. Our flexible make-up class policy also helps you work around trips and vacations.  Schedule
  • Blow bubbles. Head to the nearest park and dazzle baby with bubbles on the wind. We recommend the bubble wands from the dollar store, or definitely the spill proof ones if you have toddlers or little kids.
  • Lay in the grass and watch the clouds. One of the best parts about this season is getting to relax outside with your littles. Grab some snacks, roll out your picnic blanket and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Go strawberry picking. Strawberry season is in June and the most well known farms are Cormier’s Berry Patch and Boonstra Farms
  • Canoeing at Fort Whyte. Can’t make it outside the city? Rent a canoe at Fort Whyte to explore their man-make lakes.  
  • Movies in the Park at the Lyric Theatre. This is a fun outing for the whole family if baby doesn’t mind staying up a bit or likes to sleep outdoors. Early movie is 6:30 and late one is 8:45 PM. details


Make indoor plans when it’s too hot or smoky:

  • Indoor pools. Seven Oaks Pool has a beach entry, which is ideal for sitting and crawling babies. Pan Am has a warm kiddie area.
  • Winnipeg Public Libraries. Check out your local library or visit a “destination library”.  Bill and Helen Norrie library has wonderful baby and kid friendly reading nooks, an outdoor patio, as well as an amazing accessible playground steps outside the door. Windsor Park library was built new in 2018 and features gorgeous window walls. Cornish Library is a cosy historic building with a stunning glass reading room added in 2021.
  • Fit Together Postnatal Sampler series. You know we love the outdoors, but sometimes with the littlest babies, it’s nice to have an activity planned that is not impacted by the weather. Our postnatal sampler series includes 3 different class style on a rotating basis. Don’t forget if you miss a class, you can do a make-up class at Stroller Fitness this summer. Details

Go to the beach. A classic Manitoban activity that is on the list for many families this summer is to visit one of our gorgeous beaches.

  • Birds Hill Park (can be paired with Grandma’s Cupboard Ice Cream in Lockport). The closest beach to city limits, Birds Hill Beach is a one a man-made lake, with several playgrounds, washrooms, a food stand, and walking paths.
  • Grand Beach is the biggest and most lively beach on the list. Washrooms, a playground, food and retail kiosks and a board walk are available. It’s quieter down by the camp grounds.
  • Patricia Beach is a little known and quieter beach on the way to Grand Beach. Parking is very close, and there is one food stand with non modern washrooms. The beach has lots of trees and plants, so you can likely find privacy and a bit of shade.
  • Gimli Beach- a nice beach with restaurants, shops and a coffee place nearby. A great day out!

Hit up a shady and baby friendly patio

  • The Common at The Forks
  • The Beer Can on Assiniboine Avenue
  • Cargo Bar at Assiniboine Park
  • Good Neighbour brewing on Sherbrook


Outdoor splash pads. When we can’t make it to the beach or lake, we go to a splash pad! Here are our favourites:

  • Corydon CC- River Heights site. This location is well shaded, with soft rubberized surfaces on the playground beside the splashpad. There’s fence around the perimeter which is ideal in case you have any “runners”, or multiple children.
  • Kildonan Park Outdoor Pool. Has a really great outdoor pool with a deep end, shallow end and beach entry. There’s also a splash pad which is great for crawlers and new walkers, and lots of shade. Go early as it fills on weekends and hot afternoons.
  • Bridgwater Lakes Fountain (next to a playground) or Bridgwater Trails Fountain
  • Vimy Ridge Park- centrally located and super little kid/baby friendly with beach entry, lots of shade and a fence all around.
  • The Forks splash pad- run by Parks Canada, this splash pad has different opening dates and hours compared to City of Winnipeg locations. 


    Baby’s first camping trip. This is a rite of passage for many Manitoba Families. Check out our Camping with Littles blog post.


    admire lush gardens or get gardening with baby

    • Assiniboine Park, Kildonan Park and St Vital Park have some of the best maintained public gardens in the city.
    • Hang out in your yard and plant a few flowers or vegetables

    Enjoy summer foods

    • Watermelon, local strawberries and blueberries
    • Ice cream
    • Jardin St Leon in St Boniface has a wonderful selection of locally grown or produced foods. It’s a family favourite!

    Best wishes for an exciting season!


    Aileen and the Fit Together team


    PS if you have more suggestions to make the most of summer, let us know.